Dienstag, 5. Januar 2010

Roadtrip to the south(west)

Along the coast on Highway #1

Sealions Santa Barbara
LA - Hollywood
Walk of Fame - Leonard Nimoy
LA - Griffith Park
Hollywood Hills
On our way to the Death Valley National Park we spend a night in the car in the desert

Death Valley Junction
Death Valley National Park

Deepest point of the US - Badwater 86m below Sealevel

Ghost Town of Rhyolite
Las Vegas - New York New York
Las Vegas - Luxor
Happy New Year

Jesus loves you ...
Hoover Dam

Our campingspot in the Grand Canyon Nationalpark
Grand Canyon

Desert View

1 Kommentar:

  1. Funny - die Haelfte der Bilder haben wir genauso vor einem Jahr gemacht. Die Welt ist klein ... Gruesse aus Sydney vom Basti
